True & Honest Friends!!

God is amazing! Placing family and friends in my path when I need them most. Having to let go of control and let my family and friends take care of me. Seems I was the one taking care of friends and family. Now the tables are turned and I’ve had to learn to humble myself. God has always blessed me and I had no true worries until now. My worries are great, but I’m surrounded by those who love me most! God is amazing & merciful!!

New Year

2017 was a tough year, but there were many blessings, as there always is. 2018 will be no different. New obstacles, new lessons and new blessings. My resolutions are ones that I can keep; be more prayerful, more giving, forgiving, slow to anger, humble, free to love and more attentive to my daughters and grandsons. 2018, another year to grow in God’s grace and love. Find the blessing; be the blessing! Always and in All Ways!!